
You know it's gonna be hot when...

...your son's school principal sends this e-mail:

Hello!This is Rochelle D____, principal of W_____ Elementary calling to advise all families to prepare your student for extremely high temperatures tomorrow. Please have your student come to school dressed in light, loose fitting clothing and use sunscreen. During hot weather, students need extra fluids and I encourage you to send extra water with them to school and make sure they consume at least 6-8 glasses of water or cool liquid throughout the day. Our school will limit outdoor activities and will do everything possible to create a comfortable learning environment for students throughout the day. Thank you!

Tomorrow it's expected to be in the low to mid-90's here where we live. Now, I know that's not as bad as it can be but people, we live in San Diego. Land of the "Perfect Weather". This my friends is not perfect. It's also worrisome since this is "Fire Weather". This is just about the exact time frame that last year's wildfires occurred. Hopefully we do not have a repeat.

The annoying thing is that on Saturday, it's supposed to be about 66 - yeah a 30 degree drop. No wonder my sinus' are acting up.

So, I told Foster about the "e-mail from his principal" and he selected his outfit for tomorrow, and put a water bottle in his backpack.

I was actually planning to prune the backyard in preparation for a retreat happening at our house in a few weeks but methinks tomorrow may not be the best day.

No problem, I'll do it next week.

Stay cool.

1 comment:

Sonya said...

Wow! Stay cool!