
My head will soon explode...

So, I'm not sure if my sinus' are acting all crazy or I have a cold or both. But for the past 2 or 3 days I've woken up with a sinus headache and a completely stuffy nose.

I'm not surprised - last week (read a few posts down) our patio thermometer read close to 110 degrees. Today we were in long pants and long-sleeve shirts and Laura put the heat on.

Come Tuesday and Wednesday, the expected temp. here will be around 90 - 93.

Come on WINTER - I'm waiting...

Maybe by then my cold/sinus will have figured out how to behave and play nice, 'cause I'm not liking this at all.

1 comment:

Tanya said...

R has the same thing going on and I've been a little stuffy too. Worried about J's asthma as well. Hope you feel better soon.