
To answer the questions...

I received a few questions about how the "Year Round Schedule" works.

Tanya asked:
"Do you think it's harder on the parents to have to find care wile out of school? I would think it would be easier to find care for 3mo rather then a month here and there. How does the off track work during the year? "

Fortunately for us, this really isn't an issue. Foster attends a "before and after school" program that is actually on the school grounds - kind of like a "6 to 6" program, but the one Foster attends is a private program. So, this means he gets dropped off there before school and they walk him to meet up with his class, and then after school lets out, they meet him there and walk him back to the program. At his program, he's offered a multitude of options including a homework club, a jewelry making club (he's in that one), a photography club (he's in that one too), dancing, outside play, movies, etc. Therefore, when the school is "off-track" (i.e. school isn't in session) and for the summer, the "before and after school" program is open all day. Unless it's a holiday, they are open. Therefore, we don't need to find care for him during his 6 week summer break, nor his month-long winter break, nor his month-long spring break.

However, I imagine other parents who for some reason do not have access to a program such as this must scramble every few months to find daytime care. Our local YMCA's and other various places offer some programming.

So there you have it, a simple primer on "Year Round Schooling 101".


Sonya said...

FWIW - That is how it works here to... and we don't have year long school. Though, I do wonder if we are moving in that direction.

During the school year you have to have before and after school care as well as care for holidays and various other school breaks. There are many days where kids need full day care during the school year.

Our school offers a program (similar to Foster's) that some families take advantage of. I know of other families who take advantage of other clubs/programs... like through the University.

For us, that just means that Carie has the kids (and daycare kids) all day instead of part of the day... then the kids are going to the same place year round. We then plan activities for the kids to do throughout their break.

Tanya said...

That makes sense. Especially since I worked for the before and after school programs at the YMCA and the school district, duh. I guess my mind is only on Preschool these days.

Anonymous said...

i was in year-round school when i was in junior high...i loved it...just when i got bored with school, i got a break...just when i was bored with break, i went back to school...it was good...


Daria Schaffnit said...

Wow, Foster's program sounds amazingly fun! Is there one of those for grown folks? I think I am going to seriously push small groups for various activities like that when I get a church.