
Not the end of school yet...

Sure, your kid may be staring at the last day of school but not mine.

That's what happens when you attend a "Year Round School". Foster doesn't finish up first grade until July 21st (yes, a Monday). Then he's off until Sept. 2nd when he goes back to school for second grade - Sept. 2nd is also the poor kid's birthday - what a bummer!

I kinda like the year round schedule, but it's a bit complicated to learn all the days that he's either "on-track" or "off-track". And around these parts there's really no rhyme or reason for which schools are "Year Round" or "Traditional". I mean the other elementary school less than a mile away is on a Traditional schedule. Weird.

And since he's been going to the same school since Kindergarten, he really doesn't know any better. To him, going to school until almost the end of July is typical. I do think they retain a bit more in the Year Round schools. But yes, it does seem to make for a shorter summer. And, as he gets older and more aware, he'll be realizing that other kids are "FREE" for summer - well, just about...now...

1 comment:

Tanya said...

Do you think it's harder on the parents to have to find care wile out of school? I would think it would be easier to find care for 3mo rather then a month here and there. How does the off track work during the year?