
What is it???

Bragging rights to the first person to guess correctly!


Casey said...

Wow. I have no clue. Stuffed underpants? :)

Holly said...

It looks like Bob the Builder underoos or something. ???

Anonymous said...

Here's a stab...is it a sleeping bag? My boys have something similar and looks like this sometimes. If I am wrong I will look as crazy as the picture.

Sonya said...

I was going to guess.. whoopie cushion.

Sonya said...

Oh but wait - as I look at it closer I think it is way bigger than a whoopee cushion. I see a table leg or something off to the side that helps (only a little) with the proportions.

My new and revised guess is... It is one of your boys (Foster) inside. Head on the left and in a fetal position.

Is he in a laundry bag?